Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Low Score Exam

....makes me sick in my stomach. I feel like a fresh undergrad who can hardly get over her low score of first exam. Expect that this is not my first exam .... I feel like killing and punching and screaming out loud. How can an important medical exam be a matter of luck? I don't get it!!!! How can I be so damn sure about my answers and get shocked with low performance? I am in such a bad mood that I feel early symptoms of depression started overwhelming my body and set of mood. What makes me even angrier is that I cannot leave that stress outside my home. I bring it in and I nag about it. Instead of making dinner I nag about my score.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

don't be sad , the point is not what you score in exam , but what really you learn from the course , people who score low in exam are two kinds , either they didn't study or they are different ! , in simple word if you study and score low , and the majority score high don't be sad , you think differently than them and that is why you score low . and one day when it comes to not ordinary solution or answer know that it will be you who will answer , exam not a measure what you deeply understand is .